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Auth with Security Handlers


Check out boilerplate projects for working examples of authorization with security handlers. (JWT, API Key)

When your OpenAPI document contains Security Schemes you can register security handlers to handle authorization for your API:

- ApiKey:
type: apiKey
in: header
name: x-api-key
- ApiKey: []
api.registerSecurityHandler("ApiKey", (c) => {
const authorized =
c.request.headers["x-api-key"] === "SuperSecretPassword123";
// truthy return values are interpreted as auth success
// you can also add any auth information to the return value
return authorized;

The authorization status and return values of each security handler can be accessed via the Context Object

You can also register an unauthorizedHandler to handle unauthorized requests.

api.register("unauthorizedHandler", (c, req, res) => {
return res.status(401).json({ err: "unauthorized" });

See examples using security handlers:

Security Handlers

Example handler for JWT auth:

const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");

function jwtHandler(c, req, res) {
const authHeader = c.request.headers["authorization"];
if (!authHeader) {
throw new Error("Missing authorization header");
const token = authHeader.replace("Bearer ", "");
return jwt.verify(token, "secret");

api.registerSecurityHandler("jwt", jwtHandler);

The first argument of the handler is the Context object and rest are passed from .handleRequest() arguments, starting from the second one.

The return value of each security handler is added as a key-value mapping to security property of the Context object.

Truthy return values from security handlers are generally interpreted as auth success, unless the return value is an object containing an error property.

All falsy return values are interpreted as auth fail.

Throwing an error from the security handler also gets interpreted as auth fail. The error is available in[name].error.