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Generating types

Use the typegen command to generate Typescript types from your OpenAPI definition.

openapi typegen ./openapi.yml > openapi.d.ts

or with npx:

npx openapicmd typegen ./openapi.yml > openapi.d.ts

You can also use remote URLs to pass your openapi spec:

openapi typegen


Generate types from openapi definition

$ openapi typegen [DEFINITION]

DEFINITION input definition file

-B, --bundle resolve remote $ref pointers

-D, --dereference resolve $ref pointers

-I, --inject={"info":{"version":"1.0.0"}} inject JSON to definition with deep merge

-V, --validate validate against openapi schema

-h, --help show CLI help

$ openapi typegen ./openapi.yml > openapi.d.ts

Importing Schemas

You can import schemas and response/request models defined in your openapi definition as Typescript types:

import type { Components, Paths } from "./openapi.d.ts";

export type Pet = Components.Schemas.Pet;
export type User = Components.Schemas.User;

export type AddPetRequest = Paths.AddPet.RequestBody;
export type AddPetResponse = Paths.AddPet.Responses.$200;

Typesafe Clients

The output of typegen exports a type called Client, which can be directly used with clients created with OpenAPIClientAxios.

Both the api.getClient() and api.init() methods support passing in a Client type.

import { Client as PetStoreClient } from "./openapi.d.ts";

const client = await api.init<PetStoreClient>();
const client = await api.getClient<PetStoreClient>();

TypeScript IntelliSense


The typegen command uses openapi-client-axios-typegen under the hood.