When using openapi-client-axios
in a project with a bundler such as webpack, esbuild or rollup, you can include your
openapi definition in the bundle to avoid a performance penalty from having to load the openapi file from a remote URL
to initialize the client.
This can be done by directly passing the definition as a loaded javascript object, instead of an URL:
import OpenAPIClientAxios from "openapi-client-axios";
import definition from "./openapi.json"; // most bundlers can load json files as importable javascript objects
const api = new OpenAPIClientAxios({ definition });
The bundling approach has the additional benefit of creating an atomic standalone client module, which doesn't depend on any external resources.
Optimizing the bundle
In most cases you want to keep your javascript bundle as small as possible; so including the entire openapi definition file in the bundle may not be optimal.
Consider all the metadata included in the OpenAPI spec such as examples, descriptions, schemas and contact information, none of which is essential for openapi-client-axios to operate during runtime.
The openapicmd read
command ships with a --strip
flag designed to remove
all unnecessary metadata from your openapi file before bundling for use with openapi-client-axios.
To create an optimized runtime version of your openapi definition:
npx openapicmd read --strip openapi_client_axios --format json openapi.json > openapi-runtime.json
This file can then be included in your runtime bundle:
import definition from "./openapi-runtime.json";
const api = new OpenAPIClientAxios({ definition });
Note that for typegen, you should always use the full version of the openapi file, not the optimized runtime version created with openapicmd.