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Class OpenAPIClientAxios

OpenAPIClientAxios is the main class of this module. However, it's entire purpose is to create an axios client instance configured to consume an API described by the OpenAPI definition.

new OpenAPIClientAxios(opts)

Creates an instance of OpenAPIClientAxios and returns it.


const api = new OpenAPIClientAxios({
definition: '/openapi.json',
withServer: 0,
axiosConfigDefaults: {
withCredentials: true,
headers: {
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',

Parameter: opts

Constructor options

Parameter: opts.definition

The OpenAPI definition as a URL or Document object.

To support YAML openapi files, js-yaml must be installed.

Type: Document | string

Parameter: opts.withServer

The default server to use. Either by index, description or a full server object to override with.

Type: number, string or [Server Object](

Parameter: opts.axiosConfigDefaults

Optional. Default axios config for the instance. Applied when instance is created.

Type: AxiosRequestConfig

Parameter: opts.transformOperationName

Optional. Override the default method name resolution strategy (default: use operationId as method name)

Type: (operationId: string) => string

For typegen: You can pass the transformOperationName using the -t ot --transformOperationName command line flag.

Parameter: opts.transformOperationMethod

Optional. Transforms the returned operation method (default: do not transform)

Type: (operationMethod: UnknownOperationMethod, operationToTransform: Operation) => UnknownOperationMethod

The operation is also provided to the function, such that you can also conditionally transform the method.


const api = new OpenAPIClientAxios({ 
definition: '',
transformOperationMethod: (operationMethod, operation) => {
return (params, body, config) => {
// set default workspaceId for all operations
params.workspaceId = '63e90965-07a7-43b3-8f5d-d2e8fa90e8d0';
return operationMethod(params, body, config);


Initalizes OpenAPIClientAxios

Returns a promise of the created member axios instance.

  1. Parses the input definition into a JS object. If the input definition is a URL, it will be resolved
  2. Dereferences the definition for use.
  3. Creates the member axios instance
  4. Sets api.initialised = true and returns the created axios instance


await api.init();


Synchronous version of .init()

Initalizes OpenAPIClientAxios and creates the axios client instance.

Note: Only works when the input definition is a valid OpenAPI v3 object.




Returns a promise of the member axios instance. Will run .init() if API is not initalised yet.


const client = await api.getClient();


Set the default server base url to use for client.

Parameter: server

The default server to use. Either an index, description or a full server object to override with.


// by index
// by description property
api.withServer('EU server');
// by server object (override)
api.withServer({ url: '', description: 'Eu Server' });

Type: number, string or Server Object


Gets the API baseurl defined in the servers property


const baseURL = api.getBaseUrl();
const baseURLForOperation = api.getBaseUrl('operationId');

Parameter: operation

Optional. The Operation object or operationId that may override the baseURL with its own or path object's servers property.

Type: Operation or string (operationId)

.getRequestConfigForOperation(operation, args)

Creates a generic request config object for operation + arguments top be used for calling the API.

This function contains the logic that handles operation method parameters.


const request = api.getRequestConfigForOperation('updatePet', [1, { name: 'Odie' }])

Parameter: operation

The operation to call. Either as an operation object or string (operationId).

Type: Operation or string (operationId)

Parameter: args

The operation method arguments.

Type: OperationMethodArguments


Creates a new axios instance, extends it and returns it.

While initalising with .init() or .initSync() OpenAPIClientAxios calls this function to create the member client.

Note: Requires the API to be initalised first if run outside of .init() methods.

.getAxiosConfigForOperation(operation, args)

Creates an axios config for operation + arguments to be used for calling the API.

This function calls .getRequestConfigForOperation() internally and maps the values to be suitable for axios.

Returns an AxiosRequestConfig object


const request = api.getAxiosConfigForOperation('getPets', [{ petId: 1 }])

Parameter: operation

The operation to call. Either as an operation object or string (operationId).

Type: Operation or string (operationId)

Parameter: args

The operation method arguments.

Type: OperationMethodArguments

Axios Client Instance

When OpenAPIClientAxios is initalised, a member axios client instance is created.

The client instance can be accessed either directly via api.client getter, or api.getClient().

The member axios client instance is a regular instance of axios with Operation Methods created to provide an easy JavaScript API to call API operations.

In addition to operation methods, the Axios client instance baseURL is pre-configured to match the first OpenAPI definition servers property.

The parent OpenAPIClientAxios instance can also be accessed from the client via client.api.

Operation Method

Operation methods are the main API used to call OpenAPI operations.

Each method is generated during .init() and is attached as a property to the axios client instance.

Operation Method Arguments

Each operation method takes three arguments:

client.operationId(parameters?, data?, config?)


The first argument is used to pass parameters available for the operation.

// GET /pets/{petId}
client.getPet({ petId: 1 })

For syntactic sugar purposes, you can also specify a single implicit parameter value, in which case OpenAPIClientAxios will look for the first required parameter for the operation. Usually this is will be a path parameter.

// GET /pets/{petId} - getPet

Alternatively, you can explicitly specify parameters in array form. This method allows you to set custom parameters not defined in the OpenAPI spec.

// GET /pets?search=Garfield - searchPets
client.searchPets([{ name: 'search', value: 'Garfield', in: 'query' }])

The type of the parameters can be any of:

  • query
  • header
  • path
  • cookie


The second argument is used to pass the requestPayload

// PUT /pets/1 - updatePet
client.updatePet(1, { name: 'Odie' })

More complex payloads, such as Node.js streams or FormData supported by Axios can be used.

The first argument can be set to null if there are no parameters required for the operation.

// POST /pets - createPet
client.updatePet(null, { name: 'Garfield' })


The last argument is the config object.

The config object is an AxiosRequestConfig object. You can use it to override axios request config parameters, such as headers, timeout, withCredentials and many more.

// POST /user - createUser
client.createUser(null, { user: 'admin', pass: '123' }, { headers: { 'x-api-key': 'secret' } });

Request Config Object

A RequestConfig object gets created as part of every operation method call.

It represents a generic HTTP request to be executed.

A request config object can be created without calling an operation method using .getRequestConfigForOperation()

import { RequestConfig } from 'openapi-client-axios';

Example object

const requestConfig = {
method: 'put', // HTTP method
url: 'http://localhost:8000/pets/1?return=id,name', // full URL including protocol, host, path and query string
path: '/pets/1', // path for the operation (relative to server base URL)
pathParams: { petId: 1 }, // path parameters
query: { return: ['id', 'name'] }, // query parameters
queryString: 'return=id,name', // query string
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
'accept': 'application/json' ,
'cookie': 'x-api-key=secret',
}, // HTTP headers, including cookie
cookies: { 'x-api-key': 'secret' }, // cookies
payload: {
name: 'Garfield',
age: 35,
}, // the request payload passed as-is

Paths Dictionary

In addition to operationIds, OpenAPIClient also allows calling operation methods, using the operations' path and HTTP method.

The paths dictionary contains each path found in the OAS definition as keys, and an object with each registered operation method as the value.


client.paths['/pets'].get(); // GET /pets, same as calling client.getPets()
client.paths['/pets'].post(); // POST /pets
client.paths['/pets/{petId}'].put(1); // PUT /pets/1
client.paths['/pets/{petId}/owner/{ownerId}'].get({ petId: 1, ownerId: 2 }) ; // GET /pets/1/owner/2

This allows calling operation methods without using their operationIds, which may be sometimes preferred.