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Invoking APIs


In this example we will write code to interact with a public mock API available on


If you're looking to invoke APIs via CLI, see openapicmd call


Before starting, make sure to install openapi-client-axios and axios as dependencies in your project:

npm i openapi-client-axios axios

Creating a client instace

To call our API, we import openapi-client-axios and configure it by passing the OpenAPI definition URL:

import { OpenAPIClientAxios } from 'openapi-client-axios';

const api = new OpenAPIClientAxios({
definition: '',

For optimal performance, it's recommended to pass the definition as a JS object instead or fetching it from a URL in runtime.

To initialise our client instance, we call api.init():

const client = await api.init();

Adding Types

For type-safety and code autocompletion we use the CLI command openapicmd typegen to generate types.

This command will create a file named openapi.d.ts in the src directory:

npx openapicmd typegen > src/openapi.d.ts

We can now import the types and use them to create our fully typed API client by passing the Client type to our init call.

import type { Client } from './openapi.d.ts';

const client = await api.init<Client>();

Invoking the API

Finally, we are ready to call our API using operation methods based on our openapi.yml spec:

const petsResponse = await client.getPets();

const pets =; // Pet[] inferred as type as defined in the API

Full Example

Putting everything together, here is our full code example combining all the steps:

// src/example.ts
import { OpenAPIClientAxios } from 'openapi-client-axios';
import type { Client } from './openapi.d.ts';

const api = new OpenAPIClientAxios({
definition: ''

async function main() {
const client = await api.init<Client>();

const petsResponse = await client.getPets();
const pets =; // Pet[] inferred as type
console.log('getPets response', petsResponse.status, pets);